It's revealed that Amber works in an Institute, disguised as a restaurant where even the spies work in as a second job, that tries to make a world a better place (Think Perfect Dark).

But he still follows her around to Knockerwood Town (The hubworld). He wants to thank Amber by touching her bum, but he then realizes she's an expert on martial arts, and kind of hates men unlike Berri and gets beaten up by her. Conker get thrown in prison, and escapes via ball & chain, but realizing that there's water around the castle, he almost drowns, but with the help of another squirrel (a hot squirrel, I may add, just as tall as Berri if you want the scale.) named Amber, he manages to survive. It's the same as the proposed sequel, Conker turns out isn't a good king, (not that he wanted to be king) because he was wasting it on booze, whores, and party's with alcoholic women.